Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Paper Prewriting - Shelby Ward

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This quote from Kent describes the relationship that the characters have with power and authority throughout the play. Those who rule have been blind to honorable truth and eventually fall because of their foolishness.
   My Analyzing and Annotating 
      One of the things that I struggled with the most in my sonnet analysis was developing a strong central claim, so I really tried to look for things that I could make claims about as I read through King Lear. I’ve made an effort to remember more of the aspects of rhetoric from the website we often refer to, and I try to find those within the reading. I really like it when classmates help out and find videos on plosives, etc. It helps me so much! I’ve also been paying more attention to double meanings that references to things like nature might denote.

Peer and Source Influences
The Slack conversation has helped me realize just how many resources are available for research and how many different angles one specific story can have. I really appreciate it when my peers look up articles or further information on things that I’ve been thinking about and engage in conversation with me to develop my ideas further. I especially appreciate personal stories, like the one that @kdorman shared about Christ figures, because it makes the literature more applicable to real life.

My Working Claims
[comparison] Although sometimes read as merely theatrical elements of the play, the turbulence of nature in King Lear is a reflection of the King’s turbulent descent into insanity.

[policy] Though set in a time hundreds of years ago, King Lear should be read today as examples of both successful and unsuccessful aspects of politics.

[definition] Even though his official role is to simply get a good laugh out of the king, the Fool is an ironically wise character who serves as the king’s conscience throughout the play.

[evaluation] While they might be physically unrecognizable, characters in King Lear are more honest with their words when their identities are shrouded in disguise.

[causal] Though he might seem purely wicked at first, Edmund’s evil nature is due to the fact that he was brought up as a bastard child, and he is not inherently bad.


  1. I completely agree with what you said about Slack helping you realize how many resources we have! Also, I really like your comparison claim, that seems really interesting!

  2. I feel like you subconsciously began connecting your evaluation claim to the theme of sight/blindness. When the least is seen using one's physical sight, the most is understood.

  3. I love your evaluation claim. It would be a sense of irony to make the least "true" person be the most true person. I think that is the most interesting one, and the one that could be debated and argued. Would you say that is true for all disguised characters? Are there differences between them?


