Monday, September 19, 2016

Melissa's Sleepy Sonnet

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Sleepy Sonnet 

I'd like to go to sleep tonight,
But homework won't be put aside.
Until I reach the morning light,
Which wakes my friends and makes me blind.
My eyes are red and full of sleep.
Yet my thoughts race through poetry.
Short stories, essays, they just won't keep. 
No matter how I try to sleep.
If only once the stars came out;
A spell of wakeless dreams came round.
 I'd dance and read, work, relax as dreams allow
Without the ticking clock sounds.
The irony I often see, 
Is that I feel most awake when I dream.


  1. I love the last two lines, because I feel the same way. There's something about dreams that gives me the acute feeling of being alive, and there's something about being awake that makes me feeling like I'm dying... haha. Great sonnet!

  2. I love the last two lines, because I feel the same way. There's something about dreams that gives me the acute feeling of being alive, and there's something about being awake that makes me feeling like I'm dying... haha. Great sonnet!

  3. You did a great job with describing the sleeplessness of college life. I can definitely relate. :) I would look at the sonnet form again. Remember that there are specific rhyme schemes and that all fourteen lines should have ten syllables.

  4. What stood out to me was already addressed by Mary in a previous comment: the sonnet should have 10 syllables in each line.


