Monday, September 12, 2016

Stella's Informal Analysis of Sonnet 73

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  • One of the articles I found on the MLA International Bibliography database was explicated by Bernhard Frank, who explains that while the sonnet's lyrical rhythm is universally affecting, the sonnet defies reason from a pragmatic perspective. I found it interesting that he was able to articulate what I sought to relate when I read lines 2-3 of the poem, yet failed to do. He argues that listing the leaves in sequential order (ex. When yellow leaves, or few, or none do hang / Upon those boughs) that it invalidates the image of the leaves on the bough. The juxtaposition of the sequence in the original line (When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang / Upon these boughs) questions the existence of leaves upon the bough, yet restores the leaves to the bough for the final image.
  • The blog's author, John Renkeiwicz, unpacks each individial line in sonnet 73, illuminating the embedded figurative language and symbolism that so many other analysis reveal in the explication of this sonnet. Although I did not find this blog to be tremendously helpful in my own analysis of sonnet 73, it did prove helpful in reminding me what an anaphoric is (the deliberate repetition of the first part of a sentence in order to achieve an artistic effect). I feel that I often have to look up the figurative language terms I so often forget!
  • I thought that this simple animated representation of sonnet 73 really captured the theme of the sonnet. Though the animation is quite simple, the viewer is able to get a get a glimpse of the brevity of life, which the sonnet seeks to convey. The speaker's voice is definitely not my favorite, but I selected this video for the animation.                     
  • So, I tried to discuss this sonnet with my fiancĂ©, who was engrossed in a TV show, but to no avail. He responded with, "I don't get it," and then continued to watch Limitless. So, I decided to have a nice little chat about Shakesperian sonnets with his roommate, who actually found the poem to be quite "pleasant." His words, not mine. I thought it was interesting that he really appreciated the couplet of the sonnet, as he thought that the couplet reconciled the contrasting imagery of the sonnet. I, however, found the couplet to be somewhat didactic, but I realized after speaking with him that the couplet really is integral to the meaning of the poem. 

Dazed and confused after composing my own sonnet:

1 comment:

  1. Wow Stella, you really did your research! However, I regret to inform you that you did more work than you needed to....
    but hey! You'll be more prepared than the rest of us when the final analysis comes along. Good work!

    Also, your picture? amen.


