Monday, September 12, 2016

Sarah's Informal Analysis of Sonnet 129

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1. I found an article on Jstor called "The Iconic Role of Aspect in Shakespeare's Sonnet 129" by Laurel J. Brinton. It talked a lot about the various grammar aspects in the sonnet, and particularly about his use of past, present, and future tense, and its effect on the sonnet.

2. For the informal online source I found a blog post analyzing Sonnet 129 by "Anokatony." His analysis focused on the guilt the author feels in the poem, and uses the previous two sonnets to show the basic story of seduction, action, and guilt.

3. For the Media Source I found a YouTube video of someone reading the poem.  This was very interesting because the reader did a great job of expressing the guilty unsettled tone of the poem.

4. My social source is something my stake president said in sunday school last Sunday.  In discussing lust he said that lust can stem from any carnal desire of the body, from hunger to sexual desires, it wasn't said directly in reference to Sonnet 129, but I feel it applies thematically to the sonnet.      


1 comment:

  1. I think looking at lust through a broader definition is a good thought. The sonnet could be read about ambition, about a need to achieve and obsession with needing to attain, to reach and grow in a way that is unbalanced. It's true, anything we allow "Past reason hunted; and no sooner had,
    Past reason hated, as a swallowed bait,
    On purpose laid to make the taker mad." (sorry for the poor quote insertion). What I'm getting at is that lust (any unbalance or unregulated excess of feeling/drive/etc.) is something that we choose to give power too, we nibble on the tempting bait, and the result is madness, disappointment and an undermining of self-discipline and self-worth that can be felt in this sonnet, especially in the way that it is read here.


