Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sonnet 29 Analysis

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I was assigned to analyze Sonnet 29. I must say, I'm a big fan of the volta at the end of the poem (Line 9), as it provides additional drama and makes the selection much more dynamic. I was also pleased that I was able to find that most of the lines fit a consistent rhythm of iambic pentameter. That being said, I was also intrigued by the variance from this rhythm. It kept the reading of the poem interesting, and helped me stay engaged in the language of the selection. I thought that while it was romantic, it did not adhere to the Petrarchan tradition, instead, taking on a more serious tone, not quite so melodramatic. (I'm a big fan of that, actually. Petrarchan sonnets kind of drive me crazy sometimes, to be perfectly honest.)


  1. I like your analysis! In my opinion, Volta's are what make sonnets special. I, too, don't like Petrarchan sonnets as much as English sonnets. I didn't know that Shakespeare ever followed the Petrarchan style; I thought it was just the English style.

  2. How do you feel about the times when Shakespeare mixes it up and puts the volta in a different line? Like in Sonnet 130, when the volta is in the 13th line.

  3. I have to agree with your dislike of the melodramatic--I feel that it makes the love seem more childish (although, probably more teenageish because angst). This sonnet instead feels like more of a longing or yearning for love, which is more serious and adult-like. However, there is a very melancholy air to this sonnet, which still makes it feel slightly angsty.


